Thursday, October 4, 2012

Booklist Review


Here’s the review:

Got a nice review in Booklist!

Advanced Review – Uncorrected Proof
Issue: October 15, 2012
Wainwright, Katie (Author)
Nov 2012. 200 p. Livingston, hardcover, $30.00. (9781604891010). Livingston, paperback, $17.95.
One minute, Gretchen Van Nuys, teenage daughter of a U.S. sugar company executive, is recuperating in a
hospital room overlooking the grandstand where Cuban president Batista greets his welcoming
countrymen. The next, she is in the streets, desperately trying to reach her father in the aftermath of an
assassination attempt on Batista. In the ensuing chaos, she is kidnapped by forces loyal to revolutionary
leader Fidel Castro and for the next week remains their prisoner and pawn as she is held for ransom while
the disorganized rebels determine what to do with her. Taken from one jungle outpost to another, Gretchen
experiences extreme brutality and unbearable deprivation, afraid for her own life and the future of her
country. But her physical wounds are nothing compared to the psychic injuries she sustains as she
summons the courage to witness the history unfolding around her. In this sequel to Cuba on My Mind
(2010), Wainwright continues to bring life essential events in the past of her native country, Cuba.
— Carol Haggas

Thursday, Oct. 4


Nice review from Book List. I understand Libraries rely on Book List to order books, so it makes me happy SECUESTRO was reviewed there.

Advanced Review – Uncorrected Proof
Issue: October 15, 2012
Wainwright, Katie (Author)
Nov 2012. 200 p. Livingston, hardcover, $30.00. (9781604891010). Livingston, paperback, $17.95.
One minute, Gretchen Van Nuys, teenage daughter of a U.S. sugar company executive, is recuperating in a
hospital room overlooking the grandstand where Cuban president Batista greets his welcoming
countrymen. The next, she is in the streets, desperately trying to reach her father in the aftermath of an
assassination attempt on Batista. In the ensuing chaos, she is kidnapped by forces loyal to revolutionary
leader Fidel Castro and for the next week remains their prisoner and pawn as she is held for ransom while
the disorganized rebels determine what to do with her. Taken from one jungle outpost to another, Gretchen
experiences extreme brutality and unbearable deprivation, afraid for her own life and the future of her
country. But her physical wounds are nothing compared to the psychic injuries she sustains as she
summons the courage to witness the history unfolding around her. In this sequel to Cuba on My Mind
(2010), Wainwright continues to bring life essential events in the past of her native country, Cuba.
— Carol Haggas

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


October 3  Great news from the Livingston Press Editor:
Three boxes of Sequestro, probably arriving Monday, UPS.



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2


Andrea came today, attempted to show me how to link blogs to Facebook, connect with Amazon, and all the high tech technology in existence this day and age. I'm not dumb. I should be able to do this, but my brain is full. I'll have to empty it to insert something new! We ordered the invitations, calling cards, book markers, magnets and a few mugs, everything with the cover photo on them. Joan sent the posters for me to pick the one I wanted, so she could print it. We submit all print decisions to the Master Guru, Pattie. Mary P. is taking care of PR. I am blessed with wonderful friends.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday October 1

Gentle rain and cool weather. Fall already? Worked on invitations for Secuestro's debut party. Andrea and Pattie have their heads together making sure they are top-notch, no mistakes. William caught a wrong direction and Mary P. went after a comma. Who else has such good help? Most invites will be via e-mail. The ones printed on cards will be for my friends who aren't computer savvy. We're ordering business cards and bookmarks; a few mugs and refrigertor magnets. No T-shirts. Who wants Fidel Castro sitting on their chest? He's on the book cover with ominous mountains in the background. Getting more and more excited every day!