Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Channel 17 TV SECUESTRO Interview

Every day I learn something new. Viewing my television interview on Channel 17, which is now on youtube and all over the internet, I immediately dialed Mary Pirosko, the expert who led the interview and said, "Okay, tell me what I did wrong," because believe me, this amateur did plenty wrong.

To start with, Mary and I were sitting behind a real desk that didn't show up because reality was overcome by a "virtual" desk and studio set. Instead of big, clunky tv cameras, there was a little bitty thing about the size of a cell phone sitting on a tripod. Pinned on my sweater was a miniature mike attached to a battery I slid into the desk drawer (the real one). Sitting behind a big console was the nice technician who asked if I wanted the cover of my book "SECUESTRO" superimposed in front of the virtual desk. That was okay with me, though I had no idea what he was talking about, then he said, "'re on." Mary put on what I call her "radio" voice, which is different than her everyday talking voice--more resonant, more inflection, more vibrant and away we went.
This is what I learned and I'm sharing it with ya'll so if you ever find yourself in this situation, it might be helpful.
1) Wear color. We were both coincidentally wearing gray, except for a long, red scarf around my neck. "Thank goodness," Mary said. "Otherwise we would've looked terribly drab."
2) Look at the camera when you speak. (It's always helpful to know where the camera is!)
3) Sit on the edge of the chair, because then you're not leaning back and slouching.
4) Be animated. Use your hands. Smile. (I looked like a zombie and sounded like a robot)
5) Have notes or know what you're going to say! That avoids'know.

It's exciting to take a plunge into something new. It's okay to make mistakes the first time.
It's not okay to repeat them.

Tomorrow I do a radio interview with Johnny in the Morning 8:15 on WFPR. Will let you know how that goes!

At 11:00 a.m. I'll be the guest speaker at Book Club. That's my book club that's been in existence 50 years or more, I think, so I'll be pretty relaxed. Rena Dameron is preparing lunch and she's a fabulous cook!

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